Education and Advocacy
Organizations and Initiatives
International Dark Sky Association
The International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) is the recognized authority on light pollution and is the leading organization combating light pollution worldwide.
National Park Service, Naturals Sounds and Night Skies Division
The Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division works to protect, maintain, and restore acoustical and dark night sky environments throughout the National Park System.
Consortium for Dark Sky Studies
Based at the University of Utah but affiliated with a number of colleges and universities, The Consortium for Dark Sky Studies (CDSS) is dedicated to the discovery, development, communication, and application of knowledge across a wide range of disciplines and professional fields pertaining to the quality of night skies, growing light pollution and the varied human, animal, and environmental responses to the “disappearing dark.”
The SKYGLOW Project
SKYGLOW is an ongoing crowdfunded project which explores North America’s remaining magnificent night skies and the grave threat of light pollution to our fragile environment. A collaboration of renowned timelapse photographers Gavin Heffernan and Harun Mehmedinovic, SKYGLOW journeys through the history and mythology of celestial observation, the proliferation of electrical outdoor lighting that spurred the rise of the phenomena known as "skyglow,” and the Dark Sky Movement that's fighting to reclaim the night skies.
The New World Atlas of Artificial Sky Brightness
Provides an interactive world map of artificial sky luminance based on data published by a team of researchers led by Fabio Falchi
Dark Sky Finder
Provides light pollution maps and lists of observing sites.
Saving Our Stars
The mission of Saving Our Stars is to help reduce light pollution and preserve our disappearing dark skies by spreading the word about amber dark-sky lighting.
UK Dark Sky Discovery
The UK Dark Sky Discovery partnership is a network of national and local astronomy and environmental organisations. They aim to:
• Engage people from diverse backgrounds with the night sky;
• Encourage positive attitudes towards science and technology;
• Support the development of dark sky places, awareness and tourism
• Develop a national network of dark sky communicators;
• Create long-lasting organisational partnerships
Dark Sky Society
Supports educational and legislative efforts to eliminate light pollution.
Stars 4 All
STARS4ALL is a collective awareness platform for promoting dark skies in Europe, funded by the EU. Our project aims at representing the right of dark and starry skies or ’stars for all the citizens’. We intend to involve citizens within the offered Light Pollution Initiatives (local or global open working groups who fight against the negative impacts of artificial light at night) and also to help them to create their own.
Consumer Notice
Consumer Notice is a consumer advocacy organization dedicated to providing reliable health and safety information and empowering consumers to assert their legal rights. Check out their excellent guide:
Videos and Podcasts
The Day the Lights Went Out
The National Park Service and No Barriers work together to promote appreciation of starry night skies and natural darkness. https://nobarriersusa.org/no-barriers...
Includes several short timelapse videos from the SKYGLOW Project.
The City Dark
THE CITY DARK is a feature documentary about the loss of night. After moving to NYC from rural Maine, filmmaker Ian Cheney asks a simple question - do we need the stars? - taking him from Brooklyn to Mauna Kea, Paris, and beyond.
The Storyteller's Night Sky
Mary Stewart Adams is a Star Lore Historian, and host of the weekly public radio program and podcast “The Storyteller’s Night Sky”. Through her research in spiritual science and her education in literary arts, Mary has developed a unique, humanities-based approach to understanding our relationship with the stars.
Where Are the Stars?
This short film, shot mainly in California by Sriram Murali, goes through all the levels of the scale, showing how the view of the cosmos gets better in less light-polluted areas.
The Unbearable Beauty of the Night Sky
It is a both a dream and a challenge for a photographer to capture an image of this incredible view. Today we will focus on three ESO staff members, who, during their free time, produce outstanding astrophotography.
Night Sky News
A Podcast Shedding the Light Only Where Needed. Listen to LPN each month and learn about new developments regarding this man-made issue. Hosted by Bill McGeeney A Starry Night Sky Advocate based in Philadelphia,
Activities and Curricula
National Geographic Society. Light Pollution
Article and activity guide for grades 5 - 8
Stargazing with Kids
Video: Encourage your kids to look to the stars by making pocket star guides. Then go out stargazing to explore the night sky.