Books and Articles in the Popular Press
Note: This page contains selected books and articles from the popular press on issues related to night sky protection and light pollution. Currently, the list only includes bibliographic information. I will be supplementing the list as new articles are released and will include a review of new publications.
Boyle, S. by R. (n.d.). The Dark Side of Light. The Atlantic. Retrieved November 9, 2020, from https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/09/light-pollution-destroying-environment/598561/
Klinkenborg, V. (2008). Our vanishing night. National Geographic, 214(5), 103–123.
Meier, J., Hasenöhrl, U., Krause, K., & Pottharst, M. (2014). Urban lighting, light pollution and society. Routledge.
Narisada, K., & Schreuder, D. (2013). Light pollution handbook (Vol. 322). Springer Science & Business Media.
Our nights are getting brighter, and Earth is paying the price. (2019, April 3). Science. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2019/04/nights-are-getting-brighter-earth-paying-the-price-light-pollution-dark-skies/
Schwarz, H. E. (2013). Light pollution: The global view (Vol. 284). Springer Science & Business Media.
Society, N. G. (2019, July 23). Light Pollution. National Geographic Society. http://www.nationalgeographic.org/article/light-pollution/
Sokol, J. (n.d.). The End of Night: Global Illumination Has Increased Worldwide. Scientific American. Retrieved November 9, 2020, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-end-of-night-global-illumination-has-increased-worldwide/
The Vanishing Night: Light Pollution Threatens Ecosystems. (n.d.). The Scientist Magazine®. Retrieved November 9, 2020, from https://www.the-scientist.com/features/the-vanishing-night--light-pollution-threatens-ecosystems-64803
Treat artificial light like other forms of pollution, say scientists. (2020, November 2). The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/nov/02/treat-artificial-light-form-pollution-environment
Where Light Pollution Is Seeping Into the Rural Night Sky. (2020, February 11). Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-11/mapping-light-pollution-in-rural-america