Star Trails

Frank Turina Frank Turina

Deep Time, Rhythms, and the Night Sky

Before cell phones and watches and clocks, humans experienced time by looking up. We watched the movements of the sun, we tracked the motion and phases of the moon, and we studied the stars. Today, as we continue to lose our view of the celestial clock, our connection to the natural rhythm of our lives and our link to the distant past is diminished. Protecting night skies and reducing light pollution can help us maintain, restore, and better understand our ongoing inevitable relationship with time.

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Frank Turina Frank Turina

The Ultimate Source of Awe

If you’re like most people, as you gaze upon a star-filled sky, you will start to feel something that is rare, unique, and primal. You may feel like you’re in the presence of something so vast that you can’t fully comprehend its size and complexity. A bit of fear or anxiety washes over you. You feel diminished in its presence. You might get a sense that you are connected to everything in that moment. That feeling – that sensation – is awe.

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